Monday, July 27, 2009


Last night I saw this movie on one of the cable channels.
Although I missed the first 20 minutes and I had not even seen the promos of it so I did not know which movie it was.
And I bet if you are not allowed to see the start of movie you also would not be able to configure the name.
Normally I do not watch movies if I miss the start but there was something about the look in which the picture is shot that made we wait for a few minutes and try to configure which film it was(which I could not configure even after the film finished).
After a few scenes I saw Rajat Kapoor and at that moment only I knew I will watch this movie , even thouh I had a presentation to make today for a job.
For me that's the credibility that an actor should posses,
they should be able to attract the people to cinema theators to watch their work/performance.
As soon as the movie progressed I saw a totally different Rajat Kapoor from his previous films.
The way he used his silence combined with his expressions and the looks in eyes was really
In most of the scenes he remains silent still speaking a lot.
I don't know if any other actor today from bollywood would be able to do that.
Now something about the movie.
It's a very simple story , very neatly woven script around 2-3 characters.
At this moment I would like to mention something about the young filmmakers today is that
they really are coming up with some brilliant and differnet ideas, they don't have the backup of the star producers of bollywood but the content of their film is so good that they definately earn a name for themselvs, and that should be the biggest reward a filmmaker should be looking for, appreciation for his film by the mass but that does not happen always because people even fail to notice when such "small films" release(which happeend in this case).
Going back to movie second time.
Rajat Kapoor plays the main protagonist of a writer who has just been released from jail and
is writing a story dedicated to his wife.
Somehow he looses his briefcase in which he has all the manuscript of the story.
And then the story revolves around that briefcase , how it goes from one person to another.
It may sound weird but yes that is the story of the movie but I can tell you that when you watch the movie you might not like it very much but definately you will have a word of praise for the director and Rajat Kapoor.
And now I have to mention the name of the movie which I found from my "knowledge source"
GOOGLE(Mr.Larry Page and Mr.Sergey Brin you need to pay me for this advertisement) ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will definetly watch this movie ONLY based on your reveiw, if its sucks you better hide or stop taking my calls as forever i will pakao you for wasting my precious time on a crappy movie. Now i know wat you will say that if i can watch a bakwaas movie like Race then i can watch any moive..but you know me..i will not a lose a chance of pakaoing you...later...