Friday, September 11, 2009


How nice it feels to have a job and that to if it is something that challanges you to do your best and provides you an opportunity to grow not only as an individual but also stand out among others.

So the job I am talking about is of an ORACLE(DBA) trainer with the organization that is best in the business.
The feel that you get when you work with people who seriously are the best in the business is really an amazing feeling.
What I really enjoy is the people's reaction , their face expression when they listen that you are working with that organization it fills you with a different kind of joy.

MY first batch has already started and I have finished three lectures.
Although the first two lectures were ok but I feel that in the third lecture I was more relaxed,fumbled far less than the first two lectures.
The students are also good , they have not troubled me till now.
In the first lecture when I entered the classroom with the marker and saw the students I definately was the person younger than all of them, all of them must be two-three years elder to me.
But there was never a single moment when I felt that I can not deliver in front of them and the reason behind is my office environment and the way all the other faculty guided me regarding how I should go about it.
The continuous demo presentation, their breifing during my presentation , how things can be made easier for the students to understand with the help of real life examples and made the job easier for me.

I specially thank Ruchira mam for firstly showing faith in me and when I failed to stand upto her expectations she again made me believe that I can do this job if I try a little harder and put in a little more effort.
I again thank her and Geeta mam for bearing me through those evryday presentations and
because of their explanations during presentations now I try to relate the topics with realtime examples.
The work environment is wonderful, all the people are really helpful and everybody has a pleasent appearence, everybody is chilled out and partly the reason behind that is the knowledge about their subject.
It does help you if you are confident about your subject knowledge and definately that reflects on your face, your behaviour,your appearence.
Another thing that I liked most regarding them is that all of them are a big foodie, they just love to have burgers,cheeeeeeeese sandwiches and above all the most favoured is chicken, they just need a small excuse to eat chicken.
I was really lucky in terms of attending parties in the office because I enjoyed three parties in the first four days now when I talk about parties they are not those small tea parties , the parties over here are something like a bless for a foodie.
So in all I am having a really good time and the only way from here is the road ahead.